Woman explains ‘damp January’ that could be a far more achievable goal for next month

Woman explains 'damp January' that could be a far more achievable goal for next month

 woman has explained why ‘damp January’ could be a far more achievable goal, instead of giving up alcohol entirely for the next month.

LAD: Is ‘Dry January’ Worth It?

Credit: ITV/Good Morning Britain

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As a non-drinker, I used to be sceptical of ‘Dry January’ because it didn’t make sense to stop drinking for one month, only to drink for 11 consecutive months of the year.

However, after learning of the benefits, it does make a lot of sense.

But if cutting out booze for 31 days is too much of a challenge, then ‘damp January’ may work for you and could actually be more sustainable.

What is ‘damp January’?

Hana went viral for taking part in the 'damp lifestyle' drinking trend on TikTok in 2022 (Instagram/@hana.elson)

Hana went viral for taking part in the ‘damp lifestyle’ drinking trend on TikTok in 2022 (Instagram/@hana.elson)

New York-based Hana Elson went viral for taking part in the ‘damp lifestyle‘ drinking trend on TikTok in 2022.

Essentially, the term relates to lessening your alcohol throughout the month, leading to a potentially ‘positive domino effect’.

In a recent video under the handle (@hana.elson), she revealed a list of rules she implemented in 2022 which have helped her tremendously with her relationship with alcohol.

Hana’s ‘damp January’ lifestyle habits

Hana has explained why 'damp January' may work for you (TikTok/@hana.elson)

Hana has explained why ‘damp January’ may work for you (TikTok/@hana.elson)

Start small:

– Starting with a mocktail as your ‘getting ready’ drink

– Water between each drink

– Add lower ABV options

– Walk into environments sober first before drinking

Bigger changes:

– No shots

– No hard alcohol

– Always sticking to the same alcohol in a night (or try it once a weekend, etc)

– Not drinking during the weekday

– Counting drinks per night

– Cinderella nights (AKA nothing after midnight)


Hana explained: “So these types of habits really help with that. Yes, I want to bring back no shots. I used to call it my golden rule. Do you find that when you say no, no one cares?

“This one is huge and also so hard to do in New York City. So I’m going to try my best not drinking during the weekday. You just have to be careful that you’re not then living for the weekends.

“If you want to count, there’s great apps, Sunnyside’s a good one. Having ‘Cinderella’ nights. I used to always talk about this on their page.

“I pretty much made up the term, like nothing good happens after midnight. So doing the nice but safe Irish exit around 11:30pm, I promise it will make you feel better the next day.

“For me, I want to do a Dry January and then probably a damp February, just lean into reality again. Because for some people, this is all just normal tips of what they do drinking every day.

“If you’ve ever struggled with your mental health, you just want to feel better in general, it’s not just about your relationship with alcohol. This is such a positive domino effect.”