Therapist reveals the 12 questions you should be able to answer after dating someone for over a year

Therapist reveals the 12 questions you should be able to answer after dating someone for over a year

Jeff Guenther, better known online as TherapyJeff, reckons couples should know each other well enough by the 12-month mark

ou might think you know everything there is to know about your partner, but have you ever actually put your relationship knowledge to the test?

Couples often get caught up in the honeymoon phase when they’ve just started dating and forget to ask the important questions.

And when reality sets in, people often realise that they’ve formed a connection with someone without even finding out what the name of their first pet was.

These tidbits of information might seem trivial, but learning all of your significant other’s quirks, likes and dislikes is essential if you want a long-lasting relationship.

You don’t have to know every aspect of their life story, but having a good idea of their background and experiences is the bare minimum, according to this therapist.

Jeff Guenther, who is better known online as TherapyJeff, believes that people should know their romantic partner well enough after hitting the 12-month mark.

The expert – who specialises in marriage and family therapy as well as child development – reckons that it might be a red flag if you’re still getting introduced to new things about your romantic partner a year down the line.

I mean, to be fair, what the hell have you been doing for the last 365 days if you’ve not been getting to know one another?

Jeff Guenther believes couples should be experts on each other after a year of dating (TikTok/@therapyjeff)

Jeff Guenther believes couples should be experts on each other after a year of dating (TikTok/@therapyjeff)

The 12 Questions

If you want to see how familiar your other half is with all the crucial facts they should know about you, Jeff’s got the perfect quiz for you to try out.

He has helped hundreds of couples work through their issues at his private therapy practice in Portland, Oregon, over the years – so he knows his stuff.

Due to his experience assisting couples navigating treacherous waters and educating young lovers, the therapist believes he has gained a good idea of what an authentic relationship should be like.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, according to the Big Dating Energy author, but if you work on your trust, communication, support and intimacy, it’s worth it in the end.

That’s why he came up with a Mr and Mrs-style quiz which will help you understand if you and your partner are on the same page.

In a video shared to TikTok, Jeff said: “You should be able to answer these 12 questions after dating someone for one year.”

Take a look at the list of questions below, which we’ve divided into different categories.

Quiz your partner on these 12 questions to see how well they know you (Getty Stock Photo)

Quiz your partner on these 12 questions to see how well they know you (Getty Stock Photo)

Wants and needs

  1. What’s something in the relationship that makes them upset that they just can’t quite get over or let go of yet?
  2. When they need support, what works best? Being hugged, heard, helped or humped?
  3. What is their favourite emotional support food?
  4. What personality quirk, physical gesture or turn of phrase have they picked up from you and now use regularly?

Nearest and dearest

  1. What is their overall feeling about each person in their immediate family?
  2. Who is their best friend and why is that their best friend?
  3. What is their biggest fear or insecurity and how does it show up in their life?
  4. What’s their go-to way to destress after a really bad day?

The future and feelings

  1. What’s their opinion on their career or current life path? Are they content, conflicted, or craving change?
  2. What’s one thing about you that they secretly love, but would never openly admit?
  3. What’s the one boundary they are most protective of and why is it so important to them?
  4. What’s the one topic that’s guaranteed to make them rant for at least 15 minutes straight?

Jeff urged people to give the questions a go with their significant other, while social media users flooded the comment section with their thoughts.

One said: “Me and my husband just had a great conversation going through this list. Thank you!

Another wrote: “This is really sweet. I need someone to know me like this.”

A third chimed in: “How can you not know this about your partner after three weeks?”

A fourth joked: “I suppose after 15 years, I ought to nail this down.”

And a fifth added: “Perfect score for both of us…at 18+ years!”

So…what are you waiting for? Go and tell your beau you’ve got 12 questions to quiz them on!