One of the most controversial historical things that has happened in recent years was with Prince Harry, the youngest son of King Charles III of the British monarchy decided to renounce his royal privileges to go to live in California with his wife and children, but recently what has drawn attention is that the prince showed interest in obtaining U.S. citizenship, but this could cost him dearly
Recently, Prince Harry had the opportunity to talk to Good Morning America, where he was asked about obtaining U.S. citizenship, saying that “it’s a thought that has crossed my mind,” even though it is not something that is proper for him. But if he decides to do it, it may be more difficult than expected
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) points to a policy on its site called “Waiver of Title or Order of Nobility”:
“Any applicant holding any title of inheritance or position of nobility in any foreign state must renounce the title or position,” according to the policy, which appears under “Oath of Allegiance” to the United States.
“The applicant must expressly renounce the title in a public ceremony and USCIS must record the renunciation as part of the proceeding.”
USCIS notes that “failure to relinquish the title of office” could be considered a “failure to adhere” to the U.S. Constitution.
In the interview, the prince was also asked about his father, since, as we know, he is currently dealing with cancer issues.
“Look, I love my family,” Harry said. “And the fact that I was able to get on a plane and go see him and spend some time with him, I’m grateful for that.”
What do you think about it? Do you thi